Skills You Need To Build Now To Get Ahead In The New World Of Work


Problem-solving and innovation ideas for ever-changing world

The workplace and the workforce are experiencing an immense transformation. To make sure your career skills are "future-proofed", you must enhance your technical capabilities. Additionally, having digital literacy and staying updated on the latest technology is indispensable. Nonetheless, it is the human element that will define the future of work and it is your interpersonal and leadership skills that will assist you in succeeding in the workplace in the upcoming years.

Here are 5 skills you’ll need to build to give you an edge in the new world of work.   


Albert Einstein famously said: "You can't solve a problem with the same mindset as it was created." This is especially true for businesses looking to grow and innovate in a challenging economic climate. To be successful, one must foster creativity. It is a skill that can be developed, regardless of artistic or writing ability. Start by carving out time for yourself. Audit your calendar to find meetings that can be cancelled, creating space for creativity. Connect with people that think differently, read diversely, and apply what you learn to your current situation. Creativity can help your business stand out and be successful.


Change is the only constant, and having the ability to adapt quickly will set you apart. To do so, you must first accept what is happening and move on. Think through scenarios ahead of time, and if something does arise, act swiftly. Be creative and come up with different solutions. Developing your own “what if” scenarios will help you prepare. Take small steps down multiple paths. For example, offer to manage the budget if you’re looking to increase your financial acumen. Talk to executives to see if they have other projects. Don’t limit yourself to one option. Work on developing your agility skills and you won't be caught off guard.


Empathy may seem like a soft skill, but it's actually a powerful tool to influence and motivate others. To access empathy, try asking questions - what's going on with this person that I can't see? How would they feel if I told them this news? Put yourself in their shoes and consider their perspective, as well as the context they may be missing. Empathy can help you frame messages in a way that's understandable and relatable. Ultimately, empathy not only makes you a better person, but a better leader.


Leaders want employees who take ownership and are self-motivated and persistent. These are the same qualities of entrepreneurs. So, having an entrepreneurial mindset can be beneficial. Ask yourself what you would do if you were the founder of the company/product/service line? Think about how you could add more value than expected. By showing self-determination, proactivity and a desire to take ownership, you will be given more opportunities. Developing these skills will help you progress in your career and provide security in an uncertain economic environment.


Staying calm is a key skill to have in the workplace. It helps you to respond rather than just react, enabling you to make better decisions and stay focused on your goals. This can make you stand out, as you’ll be seen as more effective and easier to work with. Developing emotional regulation can be challenging, but with practice it becomes easier. Having perspective is key - it can help to remind yourself that the issue you’re currently facing is only temporary and eventually it will pass. That doesn't mean you should ignore problems, but rather that you should approach them with a measured attitude and maintain empathy. This will help you to deal with everything more effectively and without getting overly triggered.

Which skill you would like to develop ?